Monday, April 18, 2011

Carnivores and Herbivores...

Robyn Hall, whose father is a Wildlife-Biologist brought up a question after lunch. We had worked with the horses in the morning and were now letting them stand in the arena some 30 feet from the kitchen, where we were unpacking our "steaks and cheese-fajitas.." Melody had brought fresh apple pie and I was chomping on carrots...
So the question: "Do you think the horse is afraid when it smells the meat on your breath after lunch...?"
Hmmm, I think it would be naive to assume they don't put two and two together and figure I am a carnivore ... even if I eat carrots to my steak...
She said, her dad was thinking about a study on bears invading households of meat-eaters vs. vegetarians...
I like this whole thing the way it whirls around in my brain...
Anyway I did not have steak, and when we returned to work with Aragon and Coppersmith they did not have any worry in the world...I have also noticed I get more of a reaction out of him when I "threaten" his underside and feet, rather than his withers...for all it's worth I think their life has taught them that injury and death for most of todays mustangs comes from the ground: snakes, holes, wire, dogs, mud, coyote and other groundbounds...
That is until the helicopter shows up on their event horizon, then none of their knowledge can help them...Legs or belly or withers or other....

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