Saturday, August 27, 2011


To explain my move to the Black Hills Wild Horse sanctuary could take many pages, but a couple of thoughts...I love the mission statement and will work to fullfill it to the best of my capacity. Aragon's sire Texas Pony syndicate lived for the last years of his life on the sanctuary and died there last year. Mustang Eco Tours could not find a better location for our adventure rides....and the horses derserve to be showcased as one of the most desirable, versatile and valuable resources of our wonderful wild lands... sustainable equitable and fair...
To be part of something integrate into an already existing concept is a new exercise for me, one I have longed for since most of my life was determined by solely my decisions. I am independent and free and able to adapt to changing challenges and scenarios, which is probably one of my most well developed skills and talent. Through the career as airline pilot my forte is problem solving that includes spur of the moment decision making and instinctual reaction and reflex...
The LAND is of beauty without words and the CHEYENNE RIVER flows in all 4 DIRECTIONS, there are 500  HORSES on 14 000 acres...what more could my heart desire...

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