.... He is somewhat impartial to affection but appreciates positive contact and purposeful touching and stroking. His phyisque is balanced and lofty, he is very soft and flexes well through the shoulder and the hip. He is not busy with his feet and has smooth transitions...Someone saw him running with a tail straight up which makes us wonder....??? He loves water (coming from Nevada!!) and he steps gingerly through ditches and bog. Given the opportunity he will go into the water and submerge... He eats thorough, drinks with deliberation. Within the herd his position varies. I cannot detect a preferred side at this time. There are no areas of particular apprehension...medium mouth, large nostrils, very expressive eyes and good ears. One Whorl above eyes, no white but the lighter color around eyes muzzle and inside legs.
Here is Cheryl Allin, who has a first hand opportunity to practice her hand-eye coordination. She has not spent a lot of time with and around horses....

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