Saturday, March 19, 2011

Those Bonds we make, these bonds we break...

...I am not young and I have six mustangs to ride and to care for. TAG#900 comes towards the end of a long long passion and relationship to the Wild Horses of the Americas. As I look back at the years and the wonderful horse-beings I met along with alright people, I can admit that time is not a big factor anylonger. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce the mustangs of my life along the storyboard of the training ledger of TAG#900:
If  you look at the opening photo of this BLOG you will find my family: Aragon V, (lineback dun, 16), a Spanish Mustang from Oshoto, the birthplace of the Spanish Mustang Registry. He was a 4year old bachelor running with the bands when I first met him. A young girl fell in love with him and claimed and trained him, just to find herself in love with a man, who did not want for a mustang. So he came to was not easy. Two years later I fell in love with a little black filly (newborn) at the same place, the Cayuse ranch, she was black like a looking glass, her father a feral mustang from Nevada, her mother a Spanish Mustang..."I named her Silhouette, she had not much to say, but when I tried to hold my breath, she took my breath away"...During the same visit we looked at one of my favorite bands, those of a black stallion by the name of Sangrea Real,whose lineage goes back to a Black Stud called Kaw-maw-i. .....anyway I will continue this story later...
Back to Tag#900: the Tag will stay on until someone claims him, and I have a hard time naming him for the same reason....

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